Our Classes

  • Updated 2025 timetable

  • All classes require advance booking and there may be waiting lists for some classes.

  • All classes are charged per term.



Intermediate ballet


IDTA Ballet Syllabus Award bridging the gap between the grade and professional level examinations


4.05 - 5.35pm





Street Dance basics for the youngest of dancers working from the UDO Academy syllabus.

Street Dance Minis

4 - 6 years

4 - 4.45pm

£5.50 per session*


Street Dance Juniors

7-10 years

Learn to pop, lock, break and dance hip hop in this funky class working from the UDO Academy syllabus.

4.45 - 5.45pm

£6.50 per session*


Grade 4 Ballet

IDTA Ballet Syllabus

5.30 - 6.30pm

£93.50 per term


First Steps Ballet

3 - 5 years                         

The perfect introduction to ballet, this class concentrates on basic ballet movement and plenty of fun!

4 - 4.30pm


£67.50 per term



Little Groovers

5 - 9 years

Join us and get groovin' learn dance routines in freestyle, modern, hip hop and more. Plus learn new skills like jumps and lifts and create your own dances! 

4.30 - 5.30pm

£6.50 per session*


Street Dance Intermediate

11 - 16 years

Street Dance is a fun and energetic routine based class which incorporates various urban dance styles including hip hop, house, breaking and funk styles such as popping and locking. All abilities welcome. Technical exercises are taken from the UDO Academy syllabus.

5.30 - 6.30 pm

£6.50 per session*



First Steps ballet

3 - 5 years

The perfect introduction to ballet, this class concentrates on basic ballet movement and plenty of fun!

9 - 9.30am

£67.50 per term


Preparatory Ballet

5 - 6 years

The first ballet grade from the IDTA syllabus

9.30 - 10.15am

£74 per term


Primary Ballet

7 - 9 years

IDTA Ballet Syllabus

10.15 - 11am

£74 per term


Grade 1 Ballet

IDTA Ballet Syllabus

11am - 12pm

£81 per term


Grade 2 Ballet

IDTA Ballet Syllabus

12 - 1pm

£88 per term


Grade 3 beginners Ballet

IDTA Ballet Syllabus

1 - 2pm

£94 per term


Grade 3 advanced Ballet

IDTA Ballet Syllabus

2 - 3pm

£94 per term


Grade 5 Ballet


Pointe Work Class

IDTA Ballet Syllabus


Must currently be working through the IDTA grade system and have reached the relevant age/level to begin this class.

3 - 4pm


4 - 4.35pm

£99 per term



*Prices shown per session will be calculated pro rata and paid on a termly basis

  • Term fees are based on an average term length of 12 weeks with breaks for school holidays and are payable at the beginning of each term

  • Some classes may not have space to start immediately, please get in touch to see if there is a waiting list for your preferred class